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  • Writer's pictureNancy Zick

#1 Self-Awareness: PLAYFULNESS

Are you ready to discover how you are the artist of your life?

This email is #1 in a NEW Series!

I want to open up a conversation with you that I know can inspire and empower you right now.

With everything going on in our external world, I know I am being called to go within and “Be the change…” so to speak. I feel called to get to know myself even better and to share this with others.

I hope you get as excited as I do about these 8 new “life prompts” and join me for this entire blog series…

8 “Shades” of Self-Awareness to Nurture NOW

Inspired by my newest online course:

Of course, I am excited for you to join this new program… it was a magical creative process for sure! AND no matter what, the offering of these 8 Shades… is for you to enjoy.

Thank you for reading!

This is a fun one, right?

AND it is vital to your happiest “adulting” experience in this lifetime.

Probably one of the most frequent comments in this arena of personal development and spirituality is, “I want to know my purpose.”

The answer to that question is simpler than you think, and I will explore that in another message. What is significant in this exploration is that the golden thread that wants to guide you to your purpose is recognizable only through the lens of joy, desire, and/or passion.

JOY is the vibration that is intended to signal to you that you are following the golden thread, leading you into your most purposeful life. How cool is that?!

You are doing something that creates the energy of joy within you, you register this joy (maybe with a little woot! or a raising of the eyebrows and a giggle), and understand that this energy is a sign from your Infinite Self… “YES! Keep going this direction.”

JOY is a signpost on your way to reclaiming your most purposeful, inspired SELF.

Now, where does playfulness come in?

Playfulness is a portal to JOY.

When you agree to enter into spaces, places, activities, tasks, or relationships that elicit playfulness, you are OPEN to catch a glimpse of your golden thread.

Your Infinite Self is called in (like dialing a phone) when you align with the frequency of playfulness.

Think about it… when you PLAY, you are present, open, receptive and vibrating at the    frequency of joy. THAT is the fertile ground, the opening your Infinite Self requires to enter into more direct communication with you. THIS is the only aspect of you that is qualified to guide you along your golden thread.

Not your serious, working hard, task oriented, logical, linear self.

And, of course, we’ve been playing a great game of hide-and-seek with this aspect of ourselves because playfulness, and others encouraging us to go there, became more and more disrespected the older we got.

And what did people say behind the backs of those adults who managed to stay intimately engaged with their playful selves? “They are… irresponsible, hippies, Peter Pans, dirt bags, etc.” You know that old saying, “Misery loves company.” Well…


Remember, energy is energy.

It’s not a question of, “What can I do that is play that will get me to my purpose asap?!” LOL. That is your logical linear self TRYING to play. Not authentic.

So wherever, however, you FEEL that energy of playfulness is the way.

Some of my personal favorite ways to play are:

PLAY-DOUGH: with my grandson. We will play with play-dough for 2 hours at a time. Have you tried play-dough lately? SO FUN! And very tactile. Great stress reliever!

GARDENING: getting my hands in the dirt brings me so me so much JOY! And then I get to create a delicious, nutritious meal!

DRUMMING: I love playing my drums to Native American music. So INVIGORATING!

PAINTING: That first layer is so fun to create and is so DELIGHTFUL to see the result! The more we play with the first layer, the easier the rest of the painting is!

You could make this year your Year of Play and it would probably be your most productive and purpose-FULL year since you “grew up.”

I have decided this is my time of UN-growing-up! 💥

Here’s a more “spiritual” and historic 😂 way of looking at it.

In the Celtic tradition they speak to the 3 Selves: the higher self, the adult self, and the child self. There is a line of communication between these three selves (to keep the lines open and flowing I guess! 😂):

The higher self communicates to the child self.

The child self communicates to the adult self.

The adult self communicates to the world, this is who others see.

The adult self does NOT have any direct communication with the higher self.

This is why Inner Child work is so important.

This is why Picasso spent his entire adult career as an artist trying to get back to that childlike painting expression.

This is just ONE of the reasons that we PAINT.

Especially if you have not painted since you were a kid.

And if you have been lucky enough to keep your painting practice going into adulthood, are you playing while you paint? Many “artists” engage with my programs because they want to loosen up or “find my own style.” Yes! Playfulness is how you experience both of those intentions.


If you are ready to start playing, this is just ONE of the themes of the 1st lesson in Rise Above . A Transformational Painting Challenge.

This is the course I am going to make sure my family and kids do!

This course is WHY WE PAINT…for the first time laid out explicitly, in a FUN way!

The FUN begins 8/18/24.

GO HERE to explore the possibilities.

In the meantime, let’s encourage as many people as possible to PLAY!

Tag me @zicknancy on Instagram or @awakeningcreativity on FB, and share with your friends how you are playing and WHY!

Whether or not our friends paint with us, we can help to awaken their curiosity and their sense of possibility and HOPE this year! Right!?

Thank you for reading and sharing the content of this email.

I am SO excited about our focus for the year and ALL the ways we are going to get to support and inspire each other.

I will SEE you soon!




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